Little Inferno

Little Inferno
Жанр: Другое
Разработчик: Tomorrow Corporation
Рейтинг: 4,5 (проголосовало: 3 640 человек)
Последняя версия: 1.2
Дата обновления: 16 января 2014 г.
Примерный размер: 104M

"A beautiful masterpiece", "inventive, moving and unrelentingly funny", "a deft statement on games and how we play them" — Little Inferno is an unordinary game, filled with surprise and wonder, and even better the less you know before playing!

Congratulations on your new Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace! Throw your toys into your fire, and play with them as they burn. Stay warm in there. It's getting cold outside!

Burn flaming logs, screaming robots, credit cards, batteries, exploding fish, unstable nuclear devices, and tiny galaxies. An adventure that takes place almost entirely in front of a fireplace — about looking up up up out of the chimney, and the cold world just on the other side of the wall.

* From the designers of World of Goo and Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure

* Multiple nominee in the Independent Games Festival for the Grand Prize, Nuovo Award, and Technical Excellence, with honorable mentions in Best Design and Best Audio

* 100% indie — made by 3 guys, no office, no publishers, no funding

* IAP Free — no spam, upselling, ads, of any sort. Just the game. Short, polished, perfeccct as possible.

* Soundtrack available free on our website.

* Play in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, Brazilian Portuguese, and Italian. Thank you to all of our volunteer translators!

Little InfernoLittle InfernoLittle InfernoLittle InfernoLittle InfernoLittle InfernoLittle InfernoLittle InfernoLittle InfernoLittle InfernoLittle InfernoLittle InfernoLittle InfernoLittle InfernoLittle Inferno
Системные требования: Требуется версия Android 4.1 или более поздняя

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