Microsoft Remote Desktop

Microsoft Remote Desktop
Жанр: Бизнес
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Рейтинг: 4,1 (проголосовало: 35 763 человек)
Последняя версия:
Дата обновления: 12 мая 2014 г.
Примерный размер: 4,8M

With the Microsoft Remote Desktop app, you can connect to a remote PC and your work resources from almost anywhere. Experience the power of Windows with RemoteFX in a Remote Desktop client designed to help you get your work done wherever you are.
Getting Started
Windows Professional and Windows Server editions are supported. To view the full list of supported Windows versions and successfully connect to a Windows PC, read the FAQ at
+ Access to remote resources through your Remote Desktop Gateway
+ Rich multi-touch experience with remote desktop protocol (RDP) and RemoteFX supporting Windows gestures
+ Secure connection to your data and applications with breakthrough Network Layer Authentication (NLA) technology
+ Simple management of all remote connections from the connection center
+ High quality video and sound streaming with improved compression and bandwidth usage
+ Support for Microsoft RemoteApp

Microsoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote DesktopMicrosoft Remote Desktop
Системные требования: Требуется версия Android 2.2 или более поздняя

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