Читалка книг в EPUB с двумя виджетами и быстрым доступом.
Несколько наглядных виджетов для быстрого доступа к читаемой книге в один клик!
Добавление книг в библиотеку из электронной почты, Интернета, или Dropbox, карты памяти.
Интеграция с Facebook:
Делитесь своими любимыми отрывками и мыслями о книге,
Рекомендуйте и комментируйте книги из библиотеки друзьям;
Выделяйте ваши любимые места и добавляйте заметки к своим книгам
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Синхронизация на всех ваших устройствах с приложением Кобо (закладки и книги скачанные из Кобо приложения/магазина)
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Миллионы книг в магазине Кобо, но только на английском
более 2,2 млн. новых релизов и популярных бестселлеров по низким ценам, более 1,8 миллиона бесплатных книг.
With Kobo, you can read on your Android smartphone or tablet anywhere, anytime.
Download the Kobo app and browse from over 3.5 million free and affordable eBooks, magazines, comics and children’s books.
With Kobo’s reading app, you’re able to:
• Pick up right where you left off. We’ll sync your bookmarks, notes, and highlights, so you can keep reading across all your devices.
• Experience the rich, colourful environment of the world’s best magazines.* Our exclusive Guided Reading feature lets you breeze through articles for an uninterrupted read. You can seamlessly navigate through the article all with a simple tap.
• Customize your reading experience. Enjoy crisp, clear text in the size and style you prefer; try Night Mode for easier nighttime reading; and lock the screen in portrait or landscape mode to read how you like.
• Enjoy first chapter previews for thousands of select books.
• Make your reading a social experience with Reading Life™. You can track how long it takes to read a book, earn fun and surprising awards, and much more.
• Add books to your Library from email, the web, or your Dropbox account. You can even read books from your local public library.
• Share ideas with Kobo Pulse™. Find out who in the Kobo Community is reading what you are and discuss what you’ve read with them.
• Post your activities to Facebook. See what your friends are reading and share quotes, notes, and book reviews to friends.
• Read in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, or Japanese.
* Magazines available in US and Canada countries only
**For users upgrading and are not able to open their books, please uninstall and reinstall the app. Sorry for this inconvenience as we are working with Google to solve this problem that is affecting the Kobo app and other apps.

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