Download one of the best Android eBook Readers now!
★The leading eBook application for the Android platform
★20+ million users from over 200 countries
Differences between the Aldiko Book Reader Premium and the Aldiko Book Reader Free are: the Aldiko Book Reader Premium has highlights (for EPUB files), notes (for EPUB files) and home widget features, gets faster update and does not contain advertisements.
Features of the Aldiko Book Reader Free:
✔ Support EPUB, PDF formats as well as Adobe DRM encrypted eBooks.
✔ Support eBooks from public libraries.
✔ Fully-customizable reading experience: adjust font size, font type, font and background colors, margin, alignment, line spacing as well as brightness to best suit your preference. The Aldiko Book Reader also supports night-time reading.
✔ User-friendly interface: the Aldiko Book Reader supports both Android phones and tablets. You can create your own bookmarks anywhere in the book, rapidly jump to a different section of the book through the table of content.
✔ Advanced library management system: import your own EPUB and PDF files into the app to read them on the go; organize your eBooks by tags and collections. Aldiko will also remember your reading position automatically, bring you back to where you left off.
✔ In-app shopping experience: browse huge catalogs of eBooks, including best-sellers, new releases and classics (lots of them are FREE)
✔ Other cool features not to miss: global-text search in a book, dictionary, add your own favorite catalogs (OPDS support) and many more
Aldiko Book Reader works on Android phones and tablets with Android version 2.3 or above.

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