S Launcher (Galaxy S5 Launcher)

S Launcher (Galaxy S5 Launcher)
Жанр: Персонализация
Разработчик: KK App Team
Рейтинг: 4,3 (проголосовало: 7 911 человек)
Последняя версия: 2.2
Дата обновления: 22 июня 2014 г.
Примерный размер: 3,4M

S Launcher — популярный лаунчер в стиле Glaxy S5. Имеет множество настроек. Рекламы нет.

S Launcher преимущества (на английском):

1. Support icon theme, compatible with themes for nova launcher, adw launcher, go launcher, apex launcher, etc
2. Translucent status bar and navigation bar (Android4.4 devices, and Galaxy S4, Galaxy Note2/3, Tab2/3 ,etc )
3. Support edit icon
4. Galaxy S5 TouchWiz Launcher scrolling effect
5. Menu options in app drawer, support drawer app sorting
6. Resize any widget
7. Backup and restore launcher setting and layout
8. Import layout from other launcher
9. Highly customizable, MANY options:
【Launcher Desktop :】
+ Set desktop grid
+ Set icon text size, color; hide icon text
+ Lock launcher desktop option
+ Hide search bar, status bar
+ Hide shadow, indicator
+ Infinite scrolling
+ Set launcher default Home Screen to Left, Middle or Right
+ Wallpaper scrolling
+ Theme support: such as Galaxy, iOS 7, Win 8 iconpack
【Launcher Dock :】
+ Multi Dock pages
+ Number of Dock icons
+ Hide Dock
+ Drawer icon position setting
【Launcher Drawer :】
+ Set launcher drawer grid
+ Set icon text size, color; hide icon text
+ Reset drawer position
+ Background transparent
【Launcher Folder :】
+ Galaxy S5 Launcher folder with 2×3 grid
+ Max rows and columns
+ Folder background option
+ Folder preview style
+ Icon label size/color option for folder apps
Galaxy S5 TouchWiz launcher, TW launcher

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We dev features and fix bugs ACTIVELY, please email us with detailed info if error, 1 star can not help to improve, thanks

S Launcher (Galaxy S5 LauncherS Launcher (Galaxy S5 LauncherS Launcher (Galaxy S5 LauncherS Launcher (Galaxy S5 LauncherS Launcher (Galaxy S5 LauncherS Launcher (Galaxy S5 Launcher
Системные требования: Требуется версия Android 4.0 или более поздняя

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