
Жанр: Погода
Разработчик: Sparkling Apps
Рейтинг: 4,0 (проголосовало: 482 человек)
Последняя версия: 1.56
Дата обновления: 16 мая 2014 г.
Примерный размер: 14M

Finally, the famous Aeroweather app is now available on Android!

Get current and precise weather conditions (METAR) as well as weather forecasts (TAF), which are used by pilots for their flight preparations. You can choose worldwide airport weather stations from the built-in database by either name, ICAO or IATA code. Data will be shown in its original format or fully decoded into easy understandable texts.

** NOTE: in order to display temperatures in Fahrenheit, switch off "Show original units"!

- shows additional information like sunrise/sunset, station location/elevation, timezone, and daylight saving adjustment
- optionally displays all times in GMT or in the station's local time
- supports US and metric units
- display/adding of nearby stations

Системные требования: Требуется версия Android 2.2 или более поздняя

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