NEW Connections with 3rd party service, such as Zenobase. Correlate your sleep with data from other sources: e.g. Fitbit, RunKeeper, Strava, Foursquare, Last.fm…
This is an add-on for Sleep as Android to allow backup of sleep graphs to cloud services: SleepCloud, Dropbox and Google Drive. This add-on does not work without Sleep as Android being installed.
SleepCloud is a new cloud service specifically designed for sleep data and for Sleep as Android. It features:
- 2 way synchronization of sleep data between your devices
- full backup of sleep graphs
- sleep data in your browser
- graph list, heatmaps, statistics online
- comparison of sleep habits around the world by country
-Automatic upload of new sleep graphs after tracking
-Graphs->Umbrella icon->Download/Upload to Cloud
-Synchronization between multiple devices
-Automatic backup to SD card
-New installation of Sleep as Android can be quickly loaded with your sleep graphs from the Cloud

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