
Жанр: Ролевые
Разработчик: MovieStarPlanet ApS
Рейтинг: 4,5 (проголосовало: 1 052 человек)
Последняя версия: 1.7.0
Дата обновления: 12 июня 2014 г.
Примерный размер: 32M

Explore a fantastic new world where you battle and collect adorable monsters called Boonies!

Upgrade your Boonies and teach them new tricks! Feed them, wash them, and play with them to keep them happy! Create your own legendary family of Boonies that will be known and admired throughout the Boonieverse!

5/5 "OMG awesome — The game is fabulous you should get it"

5/5 "This is amazing! — I love this app it's so cool and adorable! I can adopt different kinds of boonies and battle! The best part is that I can dress them and upgrade them!"

- The game that combines monster collection, battle, and care!
- Collect and raise a family of adorable monsters, try to collect them all!
- Care for your family's needs and keep them happy: Sleep, Food, Play, and Wash
- Upgrade your Boonies and give them cool new and incredibly powerful skills
- Find and explore Boonie hideouts for awesome treasures
- Collect all pieces of the jewel key and unlock the rare and legendary Boonie hideout to find the Legendary Boonie!
- Explore a fantastic universe in HD!

Системные требования: Требуется версия Android 2.2 или более поздняя

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