Castle of Illusion

Castle of Illusion
Жанр: Приключения
Разработчик: Disney
Рейтинг: 4,2 (проголосовало: 2 324 человек)
Последняя версия: 1.1.0
Дата обновления: 18 июня 2014 г.
Примерный размер: 590M


Mickey Mouse returns to star in Castle of Illusion, a fantastical reimagining of the Sega Genesis classic. When the evil witch Mizrabel kidnaps Minnie, it’s up to Mickey to brave the dangers of the Castle of Illusions to rescue Minnie. Gather your courage and traverse enchanted forests, take on hordes of rebellious toys and navigate mazes of living books. Play as Mickey and save Minnie from Mizrabel’s evil clutches!

- Play as Mickey Mouse in this reimagining of the classic Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game!
- Experience a world of wonder, brought to life with all-new graphics and magical adventures!
- Journey across five magical worlds filled with Mizrabel’s powerful minions!
- Complete hidden challenges to customize Mickey with classic costumes!

Castle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of IllusionCastle of Illusion
Системные требования: Требуемая версия Android 4.0 или более поздняя

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