RealCalc Plus

RealCalc Plus
Жанр: Работа
Разработчик: Quartic Software
Рейтинг: 4,8 (проголосовало: 7 553 человек)
Последняя версия: 1.7.4
Дата обновления: 8 августа 2013 г.
Примерный размер: 295k

RealCalc Plus is the enhanced version of Android's #1 Scientific Calculator, RealCalc — a fully featured scientific calculator which looks and operates like the real thing.

RealCalc Plus includes the following features:
* Traditional algebraic or RPN operation
* Fraction calculations and conversion to/from decimal
* Degrees/minutes/seconds calculations and conversion
* Result history
* User-customizable unit conversions
* User-customizable constants
* Percentages
* 10 memories
* Binary, octal, and hexadecimal (can be enabled in Settings)
* Trig functions in degrees, radians or grads
* Scientific, engineering and fixed-point display modes
* Landscape mode
* Configurable digit grouping and decimal point
* Full built-in help

* If there is no menu button, try a long-press on the 'recent-apps' or 'home' key to bring up the menu.

* If you want data size conversions in multiples of 1024, use kibibytes, mebibytes, gibibytes, etc — see

* If the percent key appears to give wrong answers, make sure you are pressing '=' at the end, e.g. '25 + 10 % =' will give 27.5.

* If sin/cos/tan functions don't give the answer you are expecting, make sure you are in the correct angle mode. Degrees, radians and grads are supported, indicated by DEG, RAD, GRAD in the display. Use the DRG key to change mode.

* If any of the digit keys are disabled, or the decimal point doesn't work, or you have answers with letters in, or basic arithmetic appears to be wrong, then you are in binary, octal or hexadecimal mode. Press DEC to return to decimal operation. If you don't need these modes, please make sure that 'Enable Radix Modes' is disabled in the settings.

* If you can't find HEX, BIN or OCT modes, go to the settings and make sure that 'Enable Radix Modes' is checked.

Please read the help for more information.

RealCalc PlusRealCalc PlusRealCalc PlusRealCalc PlusRealCalc PlusRealCalc PlusRealCalc PlusRealCalc Plus
Системные требования: Требуется версия Android 1.5 или более поздняя

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