Flick Soccer!

Flick Soccer!
Жанр: Спортивные игры
Разработчик: Full Fat
Рейтинг: 4,2 (проголосовало: 2 591 человек)
Последняя версия: 1.0.5
Дата обновления: 20 декабря 2013 г.
Примерный размер: 17M

Use Flick Soccer's unique 'after-touch' ball control to try and hit the target like a real Pro.

Only Flick Soccer gives you this level of complete control and pinpoint accuracy.

Featuring 5 modes of play, gorgeous graphics and an intelligent goalkeeper, Flick Soccer really is one of a kind.

* Full Fat Flick Controls mean everyone can play!

* Shoot for insane scores in Quickshot mode, it's you vs the keeper.
* Take it to the limit in Endurance mode, set piece action with bonus items!
* Try out Challenge mode for the ultimate skill contest.
* Have you got the accuracy to hit the bar? Find out in Crossbar mode.
* Smash It! breaking glass panels against the clock.

* Unbelievably accurate flick controls for stunning top-corner shots.
* The most realistic goalkeeper on the Android Market.
* Interactive defenders will jump and react to shots.
* Gorgeous visuals and immersive sound

This season there will be a new champion walking away with the title!

What the Press Say

Tapscape: "Flick Soccer is a flawless handheld game."

"Flick Soccer has a great way of getting players into the zone quickly, and keeping them there… in full flow, it can provide a magical experience."

"just like Flick Golf, the tough part is finding the time to stop playing."

Pocket Gamer: 
"If you're a fan of flicking balls towards targets — and, let's face it, who isn't? — this is the best way to do it."

HELP: www.fullfat.com/support
VISIT: www.fullfat.com

+1: gplus.to/fullfatgames
LIKE: facebook.com/fullfatgames
FOLLOW: twitter.com/fullfatgames
WATCH: youtube.com/fullfatgames

Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!Flick Soccer!
Системные требования: Требуется версия Android 2.1 или более поздняя

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