Sleep Lullaby Add-on

Sleep Lullaby Add-on
Жанр: Здоровье и спорт
Разработчик: Urbandroid Team
Рейтинг: 3,9 (проголосовало: 858 человек)
Последняя версия: 1.8
Дата обновления: 19 января 2014 г.
Примерный размер: 2,7M

Add-on for Sleep as Android and Mindroid.

Lullabies is a feature of the Sleep as Android alarm clock and sleep cycle tracker which help to fall asleep in a faster and fun way. Rather that fixed recordings our lullabies are real-time synthesized, this means each playback will never be the same as the playback before. We use various techniques to make each lullaby a unique experience. Our lullabies take you into different pleasant environments to free your mind from stress and make it relaxed for faster fall asleep.

This add-on Lullaby pack bring 18 new fascinating environments:

Submarine — subtle engine sound, creaking metal, sonar, steam, and deep mines
Tribal drums — native american drums with flute and eagle and wolf sounds
Lava lake — bubbling lava, gas eruptions
Norden — freezing cold winds, howling wolfs
Galloping horse — galloping and other horse noises
Baby fetal sounds — what does a baby hear in the belly
Sheep counting — sheep counting is a traditional method for falling asleep
Girl humming — human voice lullaby — calming humming sound
Summer night — soft crickets background with a distant owl
Frogs in pond — various frog sounds in a calming frogchestra
Cat purr — a purring cat in your in you lap with occasional miaow
Temple bells — a Tibetan bowl sound in the background followed with calming little chart bells
The Om chant — a chanting chorus sings the Om chant
Wind chimes — irregular metallic and bamboo chimes with a wind background
Steam train — repetitive sound of a running historic steam train on the rails, occasional hooting and railway crossings
Music box — grandma's music box
Piano, Flute — short calming melodies
War march — soft drumming and a flute in a civil war theme

Sleep Lullaby Add-onSleep Lullaby Add-on
Системные требования: Требуется версия Android 1.5 или более поздняя

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