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Virtuagym Fitness Home & Gym

Virtuagym Fitness Home & Gym
Жанр: Здоровье и спорт
Разработчик: Virtuagym
Рейтинг: 4,2 (проголосовало: 21 866 ч.)
Последняя версия: 3.22
Дата обновления: 16 июля 2014 г.
Примерный размер: 16M

* full workouts for home & gym
* clear 3D demonstrations
* exercise instructions
* earn badges
* personal trainer Brad Fit :)
* NEW also download our free GPS cardio app!

When you create a (free!) online profile, you will get access to 800+ exercises, 100+ workouts and 150+ badges to earn. Find workouts online, add them and synchronize with your app to workout at home or in the gym.

Check www.virtuagym.com, online fitness & lifestyle platform for many extra tools, like a personal profile, free nutrition plan, goal setting and much more.

Like our app? Please rate 5 stars, so we can keep improving it. Thanks!

Have errors? Please let us know at support@virtuagym.com and we'll fix it asap. Giving a 1-star rating is not going to help us much, since we then won't have a clue what's wrong.

We think VirtuaGym is the most extensive and fun health and fitness solution available: it combines jefit and myfitnesspal like strength and weight training (but with 3D animations) with points and achievements like in Fitocracy and cardio tracking as with endomondo / runkeeper; download our free separate cardio app and sync it with your online account. Get started now, it's free and we hope you like it! :)

Two permissions are required: internet access to allow syncing, and storage for the exercises.

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Системные требования: Требуемая версия Android 2.3.3 или более поздняя

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