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Nike+ Running

Nike+ Running
Жанр: Здоровье и спорт
Разработчик: Nike, Inc.
Рейтинг: 4,4 (проголосовало: 221 715 ч.)
Последняя версия: 1.4.1
Дата обновления: 22 июля 2014 г.
Примерный размер: 31M

The Nike+ Running App tracks your runs and helps you reach your goals — whether it’s running your first race, or setting a new personal record. From first-time runners to marathon veterans, you'll get the measurement and motivation you need to run farther and faster than ever before. Welcome to the world’s greatest running community.

Stay on track, no matter where you are. On the trail, treadmill, or streets, your phone’s GPS and accelerometer accurately track your distance, pace and time. You can also track your metrics at every mile with in-run audio feedback.

Share your runs and let your friends keep you going with cheers along the way. Show off your Nike+ level color and amp things up with a PowerSong at the press of a button.

Nothing's as motivating as a little friendly competition. Compete with your friends for the top leaderboard spot, or go toe-to-toe against them in a Nike+ Challenge. Just set a distance. Invite your friends. And race to the finish.

Whether you’re looking to take on your first 5K or smash your marathon PR, Nike+ Coach gives you a training program, coaching expertise and daily workouts to get you race ready.
- Need help? Get support at nikeplus.com/support.

Nike+ Running Handsets — Verified
* Motorola Droid2 Global
* HTC ThunderBolt, Incredible2, My Touch 4G Slide, One Max
* Samsung Galaxy Nexus, S, SII, S III, Note, Note II, Note III, S4, S5, Mega
* Motorola Droid RAZR, Moto X
* Google Nexus 5

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