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Angelfish is a fish from South America, they are sought after by many aquarists because of their attractive beauty when kept in aquariums.

If you are someone who has experience in keeping cichlids, raising Angelfish will be much easier. If you do not know, please read the article below to learn more about how to care for, raise, feed, and breed this angelfish.

About Angel Fish

Angelfish - also known as English Freshwater Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalar), belong to the family Cichlidae.

These fish are one of much unique fish that hails from the Brazilian Amazon River. They are found abundantly in river basins and tributaries in Peru, Colombia, and Guiana.

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Angelfish can grow up to 15cm long and their beautiful fins can reach a size of 20cm.

They have an arrowhead shape, with a broad body and triangular mouth. Their most iconic features are the wide fan-shaped dorsal, pectoral, and caudal fins.

Angelfish usually come in standard colors such as gold, silver, black, and marble. Sometimes particular fishes also have jagged and uneven black spots instead of the characteristic straight black bands.

In addition to the standard colors, special patterns on their bodies are also bred for decorative purposes, some fish are even bred with goldfish or Koi fish.


Habitat and How to create an angel aquarium

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This fish is native to the Amazon River and is found in slow-flowing streams, swamps, and wetlands along the Amazon Basin.

These are tropical fish that thrive in warm water with temperatures between 23-27 °C. This water is usually acidic, with little or no salinity.

They usually live in marshy conditions, with a fine sandy substrate and plenty of aquatic vegetation and moss to hide in. Their water currents are usually very clear and they will live at depths where light can easily penetrate the water and reach them.

Therefore, to keep Angelfish in an aquarium, you should keep the water temperature between 23 and 27 °C. The pH should be between 6.8 and 7.
Angelfish are burrowers, so any substrate you place in your tank needs to be soft and smooth. This will prevent wounds or scratches on their scaly parts and fins. So fine sand and mud are the best substrates for them.
In addition, the aquarium will need to be exposed to light for 8 to 12 hours a day, especially sunlight.

To create a miniature swamp that reflects the tropical marsh for the aquarium, you can use different suitable plants to recreate the closest natural look to this fish.

More importantly, you will need at least a 75L aquarium to keep a pair of angelfish, if you want to keep more then you will need an aquarium with at least 303L of water.


How to take care of Angelfish

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Angelfish often carry parasitic nematodes. Their infection by these nematodes can be fatal and potentially infect other fish kept in the same aquarium.

This infection occurs because they often feed on the eggs or larvae of nematodes, which can be found in unclean foods and contaminated aquariums.

Once these larvae have been ingested, the angelfish will have an infectious period of three months, then. Worms growing inside the fish will steal nutrients from the host, making the fish appear weaker over time.

When fish are infected, they may develop inflammation, cysts, or bleeding. If you notice these symptoms then you should immediately remove them from the tank as quickly as possible.


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