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Регистрация: 13 июн 2022
Offline Активность: 13 июн 2022 12:00

Обо мне

Hi.. I am Nick . By passion, I am a writer and by profession, I am an iOS developer. My technical education with masters in the IT field has enabled me to understand how mobile applications are created and how they work. My more than 5 years of experience with one of the US-based reputable payment apps have inspired and motivated me to spread knowledge about a number of money transfer applications including but limited to PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Apple Pay, Chime, Netspend, and so on and so forth. My aim is to make the payment system hassle-free and convenient by sharing technical information.


  • Группа: Пользователи
  • Сообщений: 0
  • Просмотров: 377
  • Статус: Новичок
  • Возраст: Неизвестен
  • День рождения: Неизвестен
  • Пол
    Не указал Не определился
  • Город
    South Street, Payson,ut

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