To add your own ringtone, you first need to find a song you like. There are several SPAM websites that offer hundreds of free options. You can also pay to download ringtones from artists, but you will have to pay for licensing fees. You will find that older songs are more likely to be free ringtones because their copyrights have expired or they have entered the public domain. Alternatively, you can download a ringtone program that will download to your phone and send it over the airwaves.
The audio file format that ringtones use depends on the phone manufacturer. Some phones only use a monophonic format, while others use a polyphonic format. Polyphonic ringtones are richer and sound like real music. Monophonic ringtones sound like CD-quality music. Polyphonic ringtones may be more familiar to smartphone users. This makes them more popular than their monophonic counterparts.