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Публикации Professor

1 публикаций создано Professor (учитываются публикации только с 03-июля 23)

#17065 Just taken Delivery of the CAT S52, can try and answer any questions.

Отправлено by Professor 16 ноября 2019 - 14:45 в Телефоны и планшеты на Android

Hello everyone ,,


I have been using the CAT S41 for over 2 years so am used to midrange CAT phones.
My main reason for getting the S52 is due to bluetooth issues that developed on my S41 (could be software, could be aging hardware but its annoying).
Current worries are battery life going from 5000mAh to 3100mAh. I was worried about the screen but even with a much lower ppi density the colors and image quality seem to be far better then the S41 I guess that's due to moving away from TFT.
Headphone and charging port do not have covers like the S41 which after 2 years I don't trust mine anymore.