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Wikipedia Мобильный

Wikipedia Мобильный
Жанр: Книги и справочники
Разработчик: Wikimedia Foundation
Рейтинг: 4,3 (проголосовало: 156 044 ч.)
Последняя версия: 2.0
Дата обновления: 25 июня 2014 г.
Примерный размер: 1,9M

Official Wikipedia App for Android. Wikipedia is the free encyclopedia containing more than 32 million articles in 280 languages, and is the most comprehensive and widely used reference work humans have ever compiled. The app has been rewritten from scratch and is better than ever before.

- Speed: Our new, native app allows you to browse and edit Wikipedia faster than ever before.
- Editing: You can edit Wikipedia! Logged in or logged out, we thank you for all your contributions.
- Recent pages: We provide you with your reading history, so you can tap as many links as you like without ever getting lost.
- Saved pages: You can save select pages for offline reading and browse them even when you don't have a data connection.
- Share: Use your existing social networking apps to share in the sum of all human knowledge.
- Language support: The app allows you to seamlessly switch to reading Wikipedia written in any language.
- Wikipedia Zero: Data charges waived for participating mobile operators.

Send us your feedback about the app! In the menu, press "More", then "About the Wikipedia app", then "Send app feedback".

The code is 100% open source. If you have experience with Java and the Android SDK, then come fork us! https://github.com/wikimedia/apps-android-wikipedia

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Системные требования: Требуется версия Android 2.3.3 или более поздняя

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