The BEST and POPULAR mobile social photo collage sharing application. Join millions of users worldwide in Pic frames community.
Pic Frames helps you to combine multiple photos to amazing looking frames. It supports plenty of beautiful frames and also photo effects.You can frame all special moments in your life and share to your loved ones.
You can create best photo frames and photo collages using this app.
It has support for grunge, space and bokeh effects. It also supports photo effects like gray, sepia, invert, hue etc.
You can mix more than 50 photo effects using this app. You can use this as a picmix or photo collage maker or photo editor as it supports plenty of photo effects and photo frames.
You can apply color and patterns to your frames and you can even adjust frame width also.
You can share your work to Facbook,Instagram,Twitter, Email etc and also you can save to sdcard.
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