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Marvel Comics

Marvel Comics
Жанр: Комиксы
Разработчик: Marvel Comics
Рейтинг: 4,1 (проголосовало: 20 801 ч.)
Последняя версия:
Дата обновления: 9 июня 2014 г.
Примерный размер: 5,2M

Introducing the MARVEL COMICS app on Android, featuring the world’s most popular super heroes! Download hundreds of comic books featuring your favorite characters -— including Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Spider-Man, Wolverine and more — on your mobile device or tablet with the touch of a button. You’ll experience Marvel’s greatest series and stories like never before, with your choice of guided view (an animated, panel-by-panel path through the comic), or by using regular device controls to zoom and pan your way through pages of sizzling story and amazing artwork!

Each of your downloads will be protected and backed up when you use your Marvel.Com account, meaning the next time you lose or upgrade your device you’ll find your comics waiting to be read again!

Not convinced? Check out our free downloads! Take the Marvel Universe with you anytime & anywhere!

+ Access to over 3500 comics featuring the world's most popular super heroes!
+ Free comics for download, updated weekly!
+ Customizable reading experience — choose between panel to panel, full page display, and more!

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Системные требования: Требуется версия Android 2.2 или более поздняя

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