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Dumb Ways to Die

Dumb Ways to Die
Жанр: Другое
Разработчик: Metro Trains
Рейтинг: 4,3 (проголосовало: 699 269 ч.)
Последняя версия: Зависит от устройства
Дата обновления: 2 июня 2014 г.
Примерный размер: Зависит от устройства

You've seen the video—now the lives of those adorably dumb characters are in your hands.

Enjoy 15 hilarious mini-games as you attempt to collect all the charmingly dumb characters for your train station, achieve high scores and unlock the famous music video that started it all.

From piranhas and platforms to snakes and level crossings—tap, swipe, and flick to safely escape a wide range of DUMB WAYS TO DIE™.

Download the FREE game now and remember, be safe around trains. A message from Metro.

- Why is his hair on fire? Who cares, just RUN!
- Quickly wipe your screen free of puke
- Balance that wobbling glue eater
- Flick the piranhas out of range of those precious private parts
- Swat wasps before it's too late
- Best not invite that psycho killer inside
- Carefully remove forks from toasters
- Help self-taught pilots
- Get back from the edge of the platform you fools
- Have patience at level crossings
- No crossing the tracks! Not even for balloons!
- Find true love during hunting season
- Duck the bear for a candy shower
- Go on, press the red button
- And who knew rattlesnakes were so picky about mustard?

Be safe around trains and watch the original Webby and Cannes award-winning video at dumbwaystodie.com

© Metro Trains Melbourne, Dumb Ways to Die™

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