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Cookie Clickers™

Cookie Clickers™
Жанр: Другое
Разработчик: redBit games
Рейтинг: 4,1 (проголосовало: 103 599 ч.)
Последняя версия: Зависит от устройства
Дата обновления: 16 июня 2014 г.
Примерный размер: Зависит от устройства

Cookie Clickers! Be prepared for endless hours of fun and entertainment!

The game is very simple:
- Bake as many cookies as you can by clicking or tapping on a giant cookie as fast as you can.
- As soon as you have enough cookies take a trip to the shop and use your cookies to buy upgrades to bake cookies even quicker!

Cookie Clickers seemingly endless gameplay will allow you to play for an indefinite amount of time, or at least until you bake such as an extraordinary amount of cookies, your device will not be able to count them anymore.

Become the Cookie Clickers Master… be the fastest Tapper… be the first to bake 1 BILLION cookies!

Don't waste time… start now, your friends have already started and you need to catch up…. Quick!

Cookie Clickers is also on iPhone, iPad, iPod (iOS) and Facebook App Center.

Coming soon: New power-ups, Cookie Jam, Facebook rankings

*** Google Play Games enabled for Cookies Leaderboard! ***

Смотреть скриншоты: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Системные требования: Требуется версия Android Зависит от устройства

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