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Bike Repair

Bike Repair
Жанр: Спорт
Разработчик: Atomic Softwares
Рейтинг: 4,4 (проголосовало: 326 ч.)
Последняя версия: 4.1
Дата обновления: 4 апреля 2013 г.
Примерный размер: 29M

-> Bike Repair has 64 highly detailed photo repair guides.

-> +85 bicycle problems explained, including common aches and pains while on the bike (there are simple things to do to get rid of that knee pain).

-> It has over 300 studio quality photos explaining you step by step what to do.

-> You save a lot money the first time you use Bike Repair App by doing the repairs yourself.

-> We just got social!! Comment, like and share any problem or guide!

-> Can't find a solution? Just ask for it inside the app and the community will try to help you!

-> Bike Repair is the most simple and complete bicycle repair app on Google Play Store.

-> Fixing your shifting problem, derailleur noises, brakes rubbing on the wheel, flat tire, broken chain, pedal removal, hydraulic brakes, etc has never been easier.

-> Bike Repair demystify every basic repairs and maintenance routines, plus some intermediate to advanced ones.

-> The most important thing is that you can have these guides everywhere you and your bicycle travel.

-> Written in plain English, the easy to understand instruction guides are perfect for casual and serious riders alike.

-> Most of the repairs don't require any special tools.
-> Repair instructions are straight to the point, without unnecessary text that distract you from the problem at hand.

-> The full list of all guides and problems covered is available at www.bikerepairapp.com

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Системные требования: Требуется версия Android 2.3.3 или более поздняя

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