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Air Control

Air Control
Жанр: Другое
Разработчик: Four Pixels
Рейтинг: 4,6 (проголосовало: 15 033 ч.)
Последняя версия: 3.39
Дата обновления: 24 сентября 2013 г.
Примерный размер: 3,8M

In this simple yet surprisingly addictive drawing game you take on the role of Air Traffic Controller. It is your job to direct airplanes to runways while avoiding collisions.


★ 4 different maps
★ Special aircraft like super sonic jet and zeppelin
★ Classic game mode as well as the unique puzzle game mode
★ Online highscores
★ Beautiful curves
★ Countless hours of addictive gameplay
★ #1 Android air traffic controller game


"…one of the most adrenaline charged games available for the android platform." -Android Geek Tips

"Are you looking for the next addicting Android game? Well, luckily, you’ve found it with Air Control! Your speed, agility, and foresight will be tested in this game of near-misses and crazy landings." -Best Android Apps Review

"…exciting, addicting gameplay that you will be sure to love. You need to download this game!" -Best Android Apps Review

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Системные требования: Требуется версия Android 1.6 или более поздняя

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